We announced a new nx.dev!

Extensible Dev Tools
for Monorepos.

Build full-stack applications with modern tools and reinforce best practices for your entire development team. Use Nx to build software at scale, the better way.

Get Started

Frameworks Agnostic

Nx is a suite of powerful, extensible dev tools to help you architect, test, and build at any scale — integrating seamlessly with modern technologies and libraries while providing a robust CLI, caching, dependency management, and more.

Why Nx?

The world’s leading companies use and love Nx.

Complete Monorepo Support

Code is shared, Atomic changes and develop mobility, single set of dependencies.


It has support for TypeScript, React, Angular, Cypress, Jest, Prettier, Nest.js, Next.js, Storybook, Ionic among others.

Computation Caching

A computation cache to never rebuild the same code twice.

VsCode Plugins

Spend less time looking up command line arguments and more time shipping incredible products with NxConsole.

Fast & Powerful CLI

Nx CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps you setup, develop, build, and maintain applications.

Dependency Graph

Rebuilding and retesting only what is affected.

Update & Migration support

Nx provides the migrate command which help you stay up to date with the latest version of Nx.

Nx Devkit

Create plugins, generators and executors to extend Nx capabilities to fit your own needs.

Videos Courses & Tutorials

With accessible and free online content about Nx, you can quickly get up and running with all of Nx's features.

Ready to dive in?Start using Nx today.